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Latest News:
Since February 2025, Feed and Additives has been an official new stakeholder at EFSA!
As of March 2025, Feed and Additives has become an associate member of both Gardenex and Petquip, the Federation of Garden & Leisure Manufacturers Ltd.
Public consultation about undesirable substances in feed
On the 5th of January 2024 the European Commission published a new initiative on its “Have your say” portal. The initiative implements setting and reviewing
the maximum levels of certain undesireable substances. In particular for arsenic, cadmium, lead, nickel, rye ergot, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, endosulfan,
heptachlor, hexachlorbenzene, hexachlorohexane, dioxins and PCBs, Datura sp., certain coccidiostats and histomonostats and p-phenetidine. The amendments mainly
concern the Annexes I and II of the Directive 2002/32/EC of the European Parliament. The transitional measures for feed containing the listed substances will be as follows:
- continue to be placed on the market until 3 months after the date of entry into force
- may be used until 6 months after the date of entry into force
The feedback period lasts from the 5th of January 2024 until 2nd February 2024.
New supply recommendations for dairy cows
The Nutritional Standards Committee of the Society for Nutritional Physiology (GfE) published fundamentally revised recommendations for the energy and nutrient supply of dairy cows and thereby replaced the previous recommandations from 2001. A workshop on communication and implementation of these new recommandations took place on the 19/20th September 2023 in Stuttgart-Hohenheim. The revised recommendations for dairy cows are linked to the introduction of innovative concepts for energy and protein supply implementing the latest state of knowledge.
Transition period granted for cobalt feed additives
On 15.07.2023 the feed additive authorisations for numerous cobalt compounds were to expire. Only coated cobalt should continue to be available.
It seemed questionable whether coated cobalt could be used in cattle feed in the same way as the other cobalt variants. This concern was averted because, very briefly,
the other cobalt compounds were given a transition period, presumably until the renewals are successfully approved.
Changes in the register of feed additives (through Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1173 of 15 June 2023 withdrawing from the market certain
feed additives, amending Regulation (EC) No 1810/2005 and repealing Regulations (EC) No 1453/2004, (EC) No 2148/2004 and (EC) No 943/2005).
The new Regulation 2023/1173, will result in no less than 40 additives being removed from the register of feed additives. Some of these additives will only
be deleted for certain areas, either because no application for authorisation was submitted, or because the application was withdrawn or not renewed.
However the additives in the list are subject to transitional measures:
- Existing stocks of additives may continue to be marketed and used until 6 July 2024.
- Premixtures containing the additives on the list may continue to be marketed and used until 6 October 2024.
- Compound foods and raw materials produced with the additives or premixtures may continue to be marketed and used until 6 July 2025.
The attached article „AI can make applications easier“ written by Dr. Schreiner was published in Feedmagazine/Kraftfutter Ausgabe 11-12/2024.
The attached article of Carina Steendam “Getting lost in the maze of legislation and claims. EEHNC: what requirements must feeds meet?” in the Dutch Journal De Molenaar Nr. 7 Jaargang 126 (2023) cites Dr. Herzog and Dr. Schreiner as speakers of the Regulatory Workshop at the European Equine Health & Nutrition Congress in Ghent in 2023 (Translations are available on request)
The attached article
„Renewal of approval for many additives“ written by Dr. Schreiner and Dr. Ohlmann was published in Feedmagazine/Kraftfutter Ausgabe 1-2/2023
Feed and Additives is now member of IFF
The IFF in Braunschweig is the German Research Institute of Feed Technology.
We are very much looking forward to be part of this excellent and vibrant association dedicated to feed.
(IFF Internationale Forschungsgemeinschaft Futtermitteltechnik e.V.)
In December 2020 Feed and Additives GmbH was listed as consultancy by the German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Ausfuhrkontrolle - BAFA).